Las inconfundibles bendiciones de la singular Copa Unidad Sri Sathya Sai l Panel de discusión

The Unmistakable Blessings on the Unique Sri Sathya Sai Unity Cup l Panel Discussion (

Four senior cricketers, Krishnakumar S, also known as KK (BCCI Commentator), Sadashiv Iyer (BCCI Umpire and IPL Umpire), Amit Rana (BCCI Umpire) and Vishal Vernekar (Cricket Commentator) reflect on the festive unfolding of the inaugural match of the Sri Sathya Sai Unity Cup held in Prasanthi Nilayam on July 14, 2024.

They offer us a vivid picture of all the trials and tensions that preceded the ceremony and the magical manner in which they witnessed the unseen hand of Swami lifting them up just at the right time, and through that rewarding all of us with never-to-be-forgotten life lessons which will ensure that we emerge victorious in the daily cricket of our lives.